Friday, 12 September 2014

Class-Under class

Class-Under class
News paper-Telegraph
Benefit street

Benefits Street moves to Stockton

The new series of the controversial show will take place in Kingston Road in Teesside

This representation this gives of the under class is negative.This is because it stereotypes all long term unemployed people as living of benefits and not wanting to get a job. 'The vast majority of people know that the programme plays to negative stereotypes and I'm certain it won't reflect the amazing sense of community we have here in Stockton.”It will be an unwanted stereotype for people that live off benefits but do want to work or have a reason why they cannot. People living in and around the areas that benefit street is filmed could also think this portrays a negative image of them as 'Local campaigners fear the television programme will see vulnerable residents "exploited", playing to “negative stereotypes” and making the neighbourhood look like a “hellhole”.'

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